Messier 92 (also known as NGC 6341) is a globular cluster of stars in the northern constellation of Hercules. It is about 26 700 light-years away from the solar system.
It is one of the brighter of its sort in apparent magnitude in the northern hemisphere and in its absolute magnitude in the galaxy. It is also one of the galaxy’s oldest clusters. Characteristic of globulars, it has little of the elements other than hydrogen and helium; astronomers term this low metallicity. This puts the estimated age range for the cluster at 11 ± 1.5 billion years.
A number of galaxies at distances of 400 million ligfht-years are visible in the background.

Messier 92 (also known as NGC 6341) is a globular cluster of stars in the northern constellation of Hercules. It is about 26 700 light-years away from the solar system.
It is one of the brighter of its sort in apparent magnitude in the northern hemisphere and in its absolute magnitude in the galaxy. It is also one of the galaxy’s oldest clusters. Characteristic of globulars, it has little of the elements other than hydrogen and helium; astronomers term this low metallicity. This puts the estimated age range for the cluster at 11 ± 1.5 billion years.
A number of galaxies at distances of 400 million ligfht-years are visible in the background.
Photographed with APO107 mm refractor telescope and ASI 2600MC color camera in Stuvsta, at 9pm, 25th of September 2021. Exposure was 20 * 3 min with IDAS LPS D2 light pollution filter.

Messier 92 (also known as NGC 6341) is a globular cluster of stars in the northern constellation of Hercules. It is about 26 700 light-years away from the solar system.
It is one of the brighter of its sort in apparent magnitude in the northern hemisphere and in its absolute magnitude in the galaxy. It is also one of the galaxy’s oldest clusters. Characteristic of globulars, it has little of the elements other than hydrogen and helium; astronomers term this low metallicity. This puts the estimated age range for the cluster at 11 ± 1.5 billion years.
A number of galaxies at distances of 400 million ligfht-years are visible in the background.
Photographed with APO107 mm refractor telescope and ASI 2600MC color camera in Stuvsta, at 9pm, 25th of September 2021. Exposure was 20 * 3 min with IDAS LPS D2 light pollution filter.