Messier 100 (NGC 4321) is an example of a grand design spiral galaxy located within the southern part of constellation Coma Berenices. It is one of the brightest and largest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, located approximately 55 million light-years distant from Earth and has a diameter of 107,000 light years. The galaxy was one of the first spiral galaxies to be discovered. Two satellite galaxies named NGC 4323 -connected with M100 by a bridge of luminous matter- and NGC 4328 are present within this galaxy system and seen to the left in this photograph.

Messier 100 (NGC 4321) is an example of a grand design spiral galaxy located within the southern part of constellation Coma Berenices. It is one of the brightest and largest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, located approximately 55 million light-years distant from Earth and has a diameter of 107,000 light years. The galaxy was one of the first spiral galaxies to be discovered. Two satellite galaxies named NGC 4323 -connected with M100 by a bridge of luminous matter- and NGC 4328 are present within this galaxy and seen to the left in this photograph.
Photographed with the CPC 9,25″ reflector telescope and the Nikon D800 DSLR camera in Stuvsta, April 2016.. Exposure was 11*60s at ISO 800.

Messier 100 (NGC 4321) is an example of a grand design spiral galaxy located within the southern part of constellation Coma Berenices. It is one of the brightest and largest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, located approximately 55 million light-years distant from Earth and has a diameter of 107,000 light years. The galaxy was one of the first spiral galaxies to be discovered. Two satellite galaxies named NGC 4323 -connected with M100 by a bridge of luminous matter- and NGC 4328 are present within this galaxy and seen to the left in this photograph.
Photographed with the CPC 9,25″ reflector telescope and the Nikon D800 DSLR camera in Stuvsta, April 2016.. Exposure was 11*60s at ISO 800.