Arp 104, also known as Keenan’s system, is entry 104 in Halton Arp’s Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies catalog for spiral galaxy NGC 5216 and globular galaxy NGC 5218. The two galaxies are joined by a bridge of galactic material spanning 22 000 light years. The galaxies are 153 million light years away.

NGC 5218 and NGC 5216, Keenan’s System
Arp 104, also known as Keenan’s system, is entry 104 in Halton Arp’s Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies catalog for spiral galaxy NGC 5216 and globular galaxy NGC 5218. The two galaxies are joined by a bridge of galactic material spanning 22 000 light years. The galaxies are 153 million light years away.
Photographed with RC8″ reflector telescope and ASI 2600MC color camera from Stuvsta in January 2023. Exposure was 30*3 min with IDAS LPS-D2 light pollution filter. Test of new Celestron OAG.

NGC 5218 and NGC 5216, Keenan’s System
Arp 104, also known as Keenan’s system, is entry 104 in Halton Arp’s Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies catalog for spiral galaxy NGC 5216 and globular galaxy NGC 5218. The two galaxies are joined by a bridge of galactic material spanning 22 000 light years. The galaxies are 153 million light years away.
Photographed with RC8″ reflector telescope and ASI 2600MC color camera from Stuvsta in January 2023. Exposure was 30*3 min with IDAS LPS-D2 light pollution filter. Test of new Celestron OAG.