The Horsehead Nebula (also known as Barnard 33) is a small dark nebula in the constellation Orion. The nebula is located just to the south of Alnitak, the easternmost star of Orion’s Belt, and is part of the much larger Orion molecular cloud complex. It appears within the southern region of the dense dust cloud known as Lynds 1630, along the edge of the much larger, active star-forming H II region called IC 434.
The Horsehead Nebula is approximately 422 parsecs or 1,375 light-years from Earth. It is one of the most identifiable nebulae because of its resemblance to a horse’s head.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula
The area around the leftmost star in Orion’s belt, Alnitak, has several interesting nebulas. The most well known are the horsehead nebula and the flame nebula.
33*15s exposure with Nikon D800 camera and 300mm lens (200mm used with DX format) in Stuvsta, January 2016. Astrotracker used.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula
Orion’s belt with the nebulas.
13min exposure with Nikon D800 camera and 200mm lens at ISO 800 in Åva, December 2016. Astrotracker used.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula
IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula
photographed with APO107 refracror telescope and Nikon D800 camera in Åva, February 2018.
5*4min exposure.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula
IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula
photographed with APO107 refracror telescope and ASI 2600MC color camera in Åva, February 2023. 25*3min exposure with HEUIB filter.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula
IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula photographed with APO94 refractor telescope and ASI2600MC color camera in Stuvsta, December 2021.
Exposure 54*3min with IDAS NB1 narrowband filter under full moon.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula
IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula photographed with APO107 refractor telescope and Atik 360EX monochrome CCD camera in Åva, January 2020.
Mosaic of two combined pictures of each 30min RGB and 40min Ha.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula
IC 434, Horsehead nebula photographed with APO107 telescope and Atik 360EX monochrome CCD camera in Stuvsta, December 2019.
3*8min RGB each + 11*4min Ha filter.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula
IC 434, Horsehead nebula and NGC 2024, Flame nebula photographed with APO107 refractor telescope and ASI 2600MC color camera in Stuvsta, November 2021.
Exposure was 19*4min with IDAS NB1 narrowband filter.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula
IC 434, Horsehead nebula photographed with RC8″ reflector telescope and ASI2600MC color camera in Stuvsta, February 2023.
25*3 min exposure with IDAS LPS D2 light pollution filter.

IC 434, Horsehead nebula
IC 434, Horsehead nebula photographed with RC8″ reflector telescope and ASI2600MC color camera in Stuvsta, February 2023.
25*3 min exposure with IDAS LPS D2 light pollution filter.

IC 434, NGC 2024, and Barnard’s Loop
Mid section of Orion photographed on February 1st, 2025 in Åva with the APO 94 mm refractor telescope and the ASI 2600MC CMOS color camera. The image is a combination of four individual photos, each with 20 * 3 min exposure and using the IDAS LPS P3 light pollution filter. There was no moon but some northern lights visible. Temperature -3 centigrades.
The large Barnard’s Loop is visible to the left and the Flame Nebula and the Horsehead Nebula to the right.