Sh 2-261 is an H-II region on the outermost edge of the Orion arm of our Milkyway, on the border of the galactic region between the Orion and Perseus arm. It lies at a distance of 3 200 light-years. It has been suggested that it is a large ancient supernova remnant. The nebula is roughly the same apparent size as the Orion Nebula, but much fainter and there is no reflection nebulosity present. The nebula was discovered in 1939 by father and son Lower, using a home-built Scmidt telescope.

Lower’s Menula, LBN 863, Sh 2-261
Lower’s nebula (Sh 2 – 261, LBN 863) is an HII region ionised by the O7.5V runaway star HD 41997.
The HII region Sh 2-261 is often called Lower’s nebula because it appears on a photographic plate taken by the father-and-son team of Harold and Charles Lower in 1939. The Lowers were amateur astronomers, accomplished telescope makers and pioneering astrophotographers from San Diego, California.
There are several distance estimates available for Sh 2-261 / HD 41997. If the further distances are correct, Sh 2-261 is likely part of the Gemini molecular clouds in the Perseus arm. If the closer 1000 pc distance is correct, then it appears to be part of the Orion spur.
Photographed with RC 8″ reflector telescope and ASI 2600MC color CMOS camera in Stuvsta, February 2024. Exposure was 61 * 3 min with Isas LPS P3 light pollution filter. Post-processed in Pixinsight and calinrated with bias, darks and flat frames.

Lower’s Menula, LBN 863, Sh 2-261
Lower’s nebula is an HII region ionised by the O7.5V runaway star HD 41997.
The HII region Sh 2-261 is often called Lower’s nebula because it appears on a photographic plate taken by the father-and-son team of Harold and Charles Lower in 1939. The Lowers were amateur astronomers, accomplished telescope makers and pioneering astrophotographers from San Diego, California.
There are several distance estimates available for Sh 2-261 / HD 41997. If the further distances are correct, Sh 2-261 is likely part of the Gemini molecular clouds in the Perseus arm. If the closer 1000 pc distance is correct, then it appears to be part of the Orion spur.
Photographed with RC 8″ reflector telescope and ASI 2600MC color CMOS camera in Stuvsta, February 2024. Exposure was 61 * 3 min with Isas LPS P3 light pollution filter. Post-processed in Pixinsight and calinrated with bias, darks and flat frames.

Sh 2-261, Lower’s Nebula
Sh 2-261 is an H-II region on the outermost edge of the Orion arm of our Milkyway, on the border of the galactic region between the Orion and Perseus arm. It lies at a distance of 3 200 light-years. It has been suggested that it is a large ancient supernova remnant. The nebula is roughly the same apparent size as the Orion Nebula, but much fainter and there is no reflection nebulosity present. The nebula was discovered in 1939 by father and son Lower, using a home-built Scmidt telescope.
Photographed with the RC8″ reflector telescope and the ASI 2600MC color CMOS camera in Stuvsta, February 19th, 2025. Exposure was 30*3 min with IDAS GNB narrowband filter. Postprocessing in Pixinsight.

Sh 2-261, Lower’s Nebula
Sh 2-261 is an H-II region on the outermost edge of the Orion arm of our Milkyway, on the border of the galactic region between the Orion and Perseus arm. It lies at a distance of 3 200 light-years. It has been suggested that it is a large ancient supernova remnant. The nebula is roughly the same apparent size as the Orion Nebula, but much fainter and there is no reflection nebulosity present. The nebula was discovered in 1939 by father and son Lower, using a home-built Scmidt telescope.
Photographed with the RC8″ reflector telescope and the ASI 2600MC color CMOS camera in Stuvsta, February 19th, 2025. Exposure was 30*3 min with IDAS GNB narrowband filter. Postprocessing in Pixinsight.